Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Midterm - January 2008

Mid-Term Information:

Keyboarding (Period 2): January 25th at 11:15 am - 12:25 pm
Keyboarding (Period 8): January 25th at 10:00 am - 11:10 am
Keyboarding (Period 9): January 22nd at 8:45 am - 9:55 am

It's hard to believe it's almost the end of the Second Quarter. Yes, the mid-terms are approaching. This week of January 14th we'll be reviewing for next week's exams. Please review your quizz of 9/20/07 and tests of 10/18/07 and 11/15/07; and the following information covered this quarter:

Computer Concepts - What is a computer? What is software? Two basic types of software. What is hardware? What are input devices? Give some examples. What are output devices? Give some examples. What is the Central Processing Unit (CPU)? What are storage devices? Give some examples. What is magnetic tape?

Other Things to Remember - What is ergonomics? Study the ergonomic tips from Lessons 1 - 20. What are toggle keys? Three ways of correcting errors. How to create a PowerPoint presentation (basic guidelines and basic steps). How to insert a table in Microsoft Word. How to create columns in Microsoft Word.
You can review all this material from the papers that I handed out this quarter and your notes. Highlight this information and study it.

Timing - You will also have a two-minute timing during the exam.
Remember: if you study and read this material carefully, you'll have a greater chance of getting an A. Read your exam and follow the instructions carefully... Good luck!

Friday, January 04, 2008

Second Quarter Work and Grades

I need you to go to MicroType 4 and check your "Summary Reports". Go to Reports on the Menu Bar > Summary Reports.

To date you should have at least 6 (six) "Timed Writings" for the months of November and December. If you don't have these, please do some more timings. Some 1-minute and some 2-minute. If you are still making more than 6 errors, please repeat some of these timings. GOAL: 40 gwam with less than 3 errors and less than 6 backspaces.

Also check your Skill Builder Lessons and Assessments. You should have completed at least three Assessments (1 - 3) for this Second Quarter, and up to Lesson L. If you were repeating the Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons you have an excuse, if not, you don't (tell Mrs. Feld if you've been repeating these lessons and I'll check your Summary Reports). Please work on these Skill Builder Lessons consistently this month; especially those of you who hardly have any completed. I also need one "Skill Analysis" (when you open your program go to Edit > Skill Analysis) - this is a one minute timing. Please print it and give it to me. Check the timings on your Assessments, if you want to improve them, just repeat them.

Your SBA Project (Christmas Project) will count as two Test Grades. I will be grading all your work from November 5th - January 25th, which includes the Word Exercises we did in class and your PowerPoint Presentations. Your Test of 11/15/07 included.

We will review for the Mid-Term Exams during the middle of this month. After the exams we will start learning Excel (and reviewing).

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask Mrs. Feld.