Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Exploring Our Future Careers" Project (EOFC)

On Friday, February 27, we will start with the "Exploring Our Future Careers" Project, also known as EOFC Project. Please read the instructions carefully and spend a good amount of time researching the type of careers you think you'll be interested in one day.

Goal: to do some research about possible future careers. Students should select at least six “possible” future careers (even if it’s different careers in just one field.) Each field of interest has many different possibilities.

You will work individually for this project (it is not a “group project” – but you can help each other while you’re working on it).

The websites to check are:

www.bls.gov (the US Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Website) and check the other websites (in the EOFC Links Handout) – you can also look in “Google” or another “search engine”; and start analyzing different possibilities. Especially check the “Kid’s Page from the www.bls.gov. From this site you can also go to: www.bls.gov/k12/index.htm, www.bls.gov/k12/azlist.htm, www.bls.gov/oes/home.htm and www.bls.gov/oco/ (Check the Occupational Outlook Handbook, OOH 2008-2009).

Other good sites are:

www.princetonreview.com/careers-after-college.aspx (browse career profiles, take the career quiz, find your major)

Take the Personality Type Quiz at: www.personalitytype.com/quiz.html
www.jobbankinfo.org/ (Explore Careers, Browse Occupations, Salary Information)

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mrs. Feld.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Third Quarter

On February 26, Thursday, you will have a Test on Excel. Please check the hand-out (“Introduction to Excel”), the Excel Summary Mrs. Feld gave you on February 23, and also remember what was taught in class.

Study the Automatic Features in Excel: AutoComplete, AutoCorrect, AutoCalculate, AutoFill (& AutoFill Fill Handle), and AutoSum. Also answer the following questions, if you don’t find the answers in the hand-outs, check the Microsoft Office Textbook (Chapter 7 and Chapter 9).

What is a spreadsheet?

What is a spreadsheet document called in Excel?

How many worksheets does a new workbook contain? What is a worksheet?

What is a cell? What is an “active” cell?

What is a cell address?

Which are the column identifiers (labels)? Which are the row identifiers (labels)?

When does a cell display ####?

How can you quickly add numbers in and Excel Worksheet?

How can you copy a formula to other cells quickly?

How can you add a Header and Footer in an Excel Worksheet?

What is a chart, what is its purpose?

How do you add a chart in Excel? Mention two ways.

How is an entire column selected? How is an entire row selected?

Why would you use Conditional Formatting in Excel?

What is a formula in Excel?

True/False Practice:

1. A cell reference consists of a column letter only.

2. Selected cell and active cell mean the same thing.

3. The contents of the active cell are displayed in the Name Box.

4. A cell’s alignment can be changed.

5. A cell address is also called a cell reference.

6. The “AutoComplete” Feature in Excel will automatically insert data in a cell that begins the same as a previous entry.

7. The “AutoCorrect” Feature automatically formats your data to your liking.

8. The “AutoFill fill handle” is the white cross (pointer) in an Excel workbook.

9. The AutoSum” feature in Excel allows you to add and calculate the sum of a list of numbers in your worksheet.

10. The multiplication symbol in an Excel formula is an “x.”

11. The division symbol in an Excel formula is represented by a slash (“/”).

12. All formulas must start with an equal sign (=).

13. Any expression in a formula that is enclosed within a parentheses is calculated first.

14.Certain formulas can be entered in Excel without entering an equal sign.

15.To enter “today’s date” in Excel you enter =TODAY().

16.The “AutoCalculate” feature in Excel is a shortcut that allows you to view a calculation for a selected range of cells without placing a function in a cell.

Which is the Excel Formula that adds the numbers in cells A1 through A6?
Which is the Excel Formula that multiplies the numbers in cells B3 and C3?

Which is the Excel Formula to calculate the average of the numbers in cells B3 through B8?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Third Quarter

This quarter we will continue working with Excel - the Spreadsheet Program. By now, you should have completed up to page 223 of Chapter 7 (Microsoft Office 2003 Textbook). You may continue the "Grades" Exercise (Part 4 of 5) on page 224. You will find the "DEPT MEMO" in the Server under Keyboarding M (1) in a folder named Word Data Files. Please make a copy of this document and save it on your desktop or your documents in your computer.

Read the instructions carefully! In this exercise you will learn to copy part of the Excel Table you already created ("Grades") and paste it in the DEPT MEMO document. Make sure you select the "Match Destination Table Style" in the Paste Options Button (as mentioned in "d." under Paste Data). Enter your name under FROM and enter today's date under DATE.

Save this document in your respective Keyboarding Folder (4, 6 or 9) in the Server under your name (in My Documents). You will also print a copy for Mrs. Feld, but PRINT PREVIEW your document first to make sure that it looks good.

After completing Part 4 of 5 you can continue on page 230 (you may skip pages 225 - 229) and work on Part 5 of 5, after reading page 230 Cell Borders, Patterns, and Color and Conditional Formatting. End on page 232.

You also will continue working on your Skill Builder Lessons in MicroType 4. Remember: use the mask and challenge yourself! You know your weaknesses. Do you need to repeat some lessons? Do you need to use correct fingering? Do you need to type at a more consistent pace? Are you still backspacing too many times? Are you still making more than 6 mistakes in a 2 minute timing? Set a good goal for yourself and work hard at achieving it!

Thank you for all your good work and interest! I really appreciate it!