Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Week of November 29th - December 3rd

It's hard to believe it's the end of November already and the beginning of December. Time is flying! Soon we'll be on our Christmas Vacation (hurray!). I reviewed everyone's PowerPoints ("Better Burger" and "Stress") and all of you did very well - all B+'s, A-'s and A's. If you didn't get an A it was because you either forgot to add "transitions," "sources," or there wasn't enough information in the presentation. Some of you didn't add the last slide I asked you to add at the end of your PowerPoint with your own input (information found online about how to create a better burger - or a healthier burger). Some of you forgot to add sources. Some of you didn't read the instructions properly and/or the tips on how to create good PowerPoint presentations.

This week you will work on another PowerPoint, besides the Keyboarding Lessons ("Improving Your Study Habits"). You can find the instructions in the Server (Keyboarding 10 under 3 and 9 PowerPoint. Don't open the file, just drag it on your desktop; then you can copy and paste the information in your PowerPoint, making sure that you don't put too much information on each slide and that you follow the guidelines on the previous entry on how to create good PowerPoints. You should save your presentation, with your name on it, in the "Study Habits" Folder in the Server (3 & 9 PowerPoint). Save as SH-your name. Thanks!

I will be away from Tuesday 11/30 (after 6th Period) - Friday 12/3. I was invited to participate in the Middle States Evaluation of Nazareth Academy. When I come back Monday, December 6th, we will officially start our "Christmas Project." I'll give you the instructions then (this is a fun project for the Holidays - we will use Microsoft Publisher and Word and create a Logo, Business Cards, Letterhead, Fliers, Advertisements, Wrapping Paper, Holiday/Christmas cards and a Newsletter about a business called "Stocking Stuffers, Inc." or other name of your choice - a fictional business that provides products and/or services during the Christmas Holidays). This is a group project.

I was also reviewing your keyboarding lessons and noticed that some of you are doing the Skill Builder lessons with Focus: Speed instead of Accuracy, like I asked you. Please check to make sure you are doing the right lessons with the right "emphasis." When you click the "Keyboarding Skill Builder" on the main Menu (from MicroType 4) please check the bottom, where you see "Focus: Accuracy" or "Focus: Speed" - all you have to do is click it to go to the other option. Make sure you see "Focus: Accuracy" before working on these lessons. First you will complete all these Skill Builder lessons on Accuracy and then you will do the lessons with Speed as emphasis. Now, if you feel that you must redo (repeat) some or all of the Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons - please do so - because you are still having difficulties finding the right keys on your keyboard, you are making too many mistakes and/or using the Backspace Key too many times. If you did and are doing these lessons correctly, you shouldn't have to think too much when typing. You must be able to automatically reach for the right keys (what is called "Touch Typing" - using "muscle memory"). If you are not using Touch Typing techniques, you'll have more difficulties in the future. Don't feel bad repeating lessons!

Challenge yourself! Your goal must be (for right now) at least 35 gwam with less than 6 errors and less than 6 backspaces. If you are a lot faster, then raise your goal by at least five words (e.g. if you are typing 45 gwam already your goal should be 50 - 55 gwam, etc.) If you are backspacing too much, SLOW DOWN. I also noticed that some of you are getting very distracted, maybe talking too much. Some of the students who should already be in at least Lesson J of the Skill Builder Lessons (due to ability) are only starting these lessons (why?) - distractions!

Your Second Quarter grade will reflect your work and dedication. Review your Summary Reports and Timed Writings Reports. You may want to repeat some of these lessons and Writings (timings). By the end of this week I'm expecting you to have completed at least six Timed Writings (1 - 6). These timings will help you decide whether you should repeat some lessons or not. I will ask you to print your Timed Writings report on Monday (12/6).

I also want to receive on Monday the following report: each student will type at least two double-spaced paragraphs (long paragraphs!) explaining to me how you feel you are doing in "Keyboarding." What grade do you think you deserve (honestly), taking in consideration your work, your dedication, your abilities, your typing techniques, etc. Ask yourself the following questions and try to answer them truthfully: what is my average timing? How many words per minute am I typing? How can I improve? Do I get too distracted? Should I sit some place else? Do I talk too much in class? Am I backspacing too many times (more than 10 times)? Am I making too many mistakes? What should my goal be? (Set a realistic goal for yourself). And also write a "Commitment Statement" (e.g. I will take Keyboarding Class more seriously, since typing and computer skills are necessary skills to have. I will try my best not to get too distracted or talk too much. I will concentrate on the assignments and work hard to achieve my following goals... mentioning here your goals). I need to know that you are committed to improving your typing and computer skills. Thank You!

"The skills you practice as a child and pre-teen become much sharper in the teenage years; and those practiced reluctantly (unwillingly), if at all, will diminish on your brain's hard-disk drive. These are the years to set good work habits in place, so that you can become the person you'll ultimately be." Basically, you decide whether you want to be successful or not with your commitment and dedication to learning.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Keyboarding Assignments while @ KAIROS

Dear Students: This week (November 9th - 12th) I'll be in the Kairos Retreat. I will leave you two PowerPoint Assignments to complete, please see below. I will also leave photocopies of these exercises with the Subs. You will also continue with your Keyboarding Lessons, check previous entry. Also work on some Timed Writings.

Challenge yourself! GOAL: at least 35 gwam, less than 6 errors and less than 6 backspaces.

PowerPoint No. 1 - "Better Burgers"

Find the PowerPoint Presentation “Better Burger” in the Server, under FELD-ASSIGNMENTS in Keyboarding 10. Select and drag onto your desktop. You must have a copy of this presentation on your desktop, do not open it from the Server. This presentation already has text. You will add a background and some clip art to it. You can also change the font to your liking (same font throughout). Select the same background or slide design for the whole presentation.

1. Add a template for all the slides. You may also simply add color (same color) to it. Pick your favorite template, background or color.

2. Add a picture of a burger on the first slide. Place it somewhere on your slide (should look nice).

3. Format the text “Building a Better Burger” as bold on your Title Slide. (Check No. 5 first)

4. Format the text “Making our best selling burger… choice” as bold and italic. (Check No. 5)

5. An easy way of changing the font and format of all the slides in a presentation is to open the “Master Slide.” Go to View > Master > Slide Master and make the changes you want. Then Close the Master View. That quickly the font on all your slides changes.

6. Your font for all slides must be the same (e.g. all Times New Roman).

7. Add an extra slide, adding information (found online) about building a “Better Burger” or a “Healthier Burger.” Add the same TRANSITION throughout. Preview your presentation.

8. Save your “Better Burger” PowerPoint in the Server, under 3 PowerPoint (3rd Period) or under 9 PowerPoint (9th Period) in Keyboarding 10 under Classes 10-11 in the Server. When you save it, make sure your name is on it.

A few tips about creating a PowerPoint Presentation:

* If you select a Slide Design (Format > Slide Design) for your presentation, the font throughout your presentation will be the same. If you want to change the font in all the slides to a different one, for example: instead of all being “Arial” you want “Times New Roman” – follow the instructions on using the “Master Slide.”

* Maintain a consistent layout: A consistent layout and color scheme for slides in a presentation will create continuity and cohesiveness. Do not get carried away by using too many colors and too many pictures or other graphic elements.

* Show one idea per slide: Each slide in a presentation should convey only one main idea. Too many thoughts or ideas on a slide may confuse the audience and cause you to stray from the purpose of the slide.

* Keep slides easy to read and uncluttered: Keep slides simple and easy for the audience to read.

PowerPoint No. 2 - "Stress"

Create a PowerPoint Presentation with at least 6 slides about “Stress.”

1. First Slide: Title “Stress.” Add your name on this first slide too.

2. Find a definition of “What is Stress?” And place on your second slide. You may continue on slide three with the definition or another definition.

3. Add more information about how to manage stress or how to deal with stress and place in your presentation (slides 3, 4, 5 and 6 or more). Keep it simple and do not add too much information on each slide.

4. Add some clip art throughout your presentation. Review your presentation.

5. Add a transition (same transition throughout your whole presentation). Preview your slideshow.

6. Add sources on your last slide.

7. When completed, please save in the Server with your name on it.

8. Remember: professional presentations use the same template (background or slide design throughout). Review the Tips mentioned on page one.

9. These two presentations must be completed by Friday, November 12, 2010.

10. Print handouts of the Stress Presentation – 6 per slide and Grayscale, please!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Keyboarding Lessons 11 - 20 & More

During the week of November 2nd most of you will be working on Lessons 11 - 20. In fact, by now most of you are around Lesson 15, and some of you already completed all the Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons and are working on the Skill Builder Lessons. I'm hoping that by the end of the week all these 20 Lessons are completed, printed and in your binders.

I insist though, if you feel that you MUST repeat some of the Lessons, you're still not using all the right fingers, have difficulty finding keys, are not using "muscle memory" (Touch Typing Technique), feel free to do so. Practice makes perfect, like they say, and you must practice a lot to become a good accurate typist. Pay attention to your backspacing habits. The goal for timings is: at least 35 gwam with less than 6 errors and less than 6 backspaces. Those of you who already mastered this can set a higher goal for yourselves.

When you move on to the Skill Builder Lessons, please remember that you MUST complete all these lessons (Lessons A - T: 20 lessons) first with Focus: Accuracy and then with Focus: Speed. Check the bottom (window showing all the Keyboarding Skill Builder Lessons) and click Focus: Speed if you don't see "Focus: Accuracy." These Lessons also have 5 two-minute Assessments (Timings) that you NEED to print. Repeat them if you make too many mistakes. Don't feel bad repeating exercises or timings.

I also need you to work on your Timed Writings (and repeat them as well) to improve your technique and accuracy. If after completing the 20 Alphabetic Keyboarding Lessons you still have difficulties doing these "Timed Writings" (Writings 1 - 13) you must certainly repeat some of the keyboarding lessons and practice at home. There are many free Keyboarding Programs online. You can also go to the site mentioned in my previous entry for Typing Tutorials.

Timed Writings: There are 13 Timed Writings (Timings) - you can practice these selecting 1, 2 and 3 minutes. Depending on your typing skills you can challenge yourselves to the higher timings up to 5 minutes. You may also try the 20 or 30 seconds options. I like these Timed Writings because it shows me how many times you're backspacing. All these 13 timings must be completed by December 21st (I must find them in your binders). I prefer to see that you repeated them several times using different times. By this date (12/21/10) you will print for me the Timed Writings Report (go to Reports in MicroType's Menu Bar and select "Timed Writings."

On Fridays you may play some of the Keyboarding Games, besides catching up with Keyboarding Lessons and Timed Writings. I will leave you several assignments while I'm at KAIROS XX (November 9 - 12); but I also need you to cooperate with my Substitute and continue with your Lessons. Challenge yourself!

Depending on how everyone is doing with their lessons we may have the "Small Business Adventurers -SBA- Project" during the month of December. Thanks for your cooperation and consideration!