Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Monday, January 30, 2012

EXCEL and Third Quarter

On January 23rd we started our Third Quarter. We will continue learning EXCEL - the Spreadsheet Program, and we'll work on a few more exercises and learn how to create charts. We will also cover part of Chapter 5 (Microsoft Office 2010 textbook). Every Friday you will do a Timed Writing, that you will print for Mrs. Feld (2-minute and 3-minute). There are 13 Timed Writings, you can do the ones you haven't done yet and/or repeat others. Mrs. Feld may add some new ones as well.

Excel Test: Friday, February 10, 2012. Review your Excel notes (from PowerPoint presentation) and the handouts Mrs. Feld gave you - the Excel Simple Formulas Paper and the Spreadsheets and Excel Paper. You must understand basic formulas (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, average, square root and numbers squared). You will also have an Excel exercise (to create a table) and will have to create one or two charts. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask Mrs. Feld.

Vocabulary: Excel, workbook, worksheet, ribbon, active cell, cell, title bar, quick access toolbar, name box, cell address or cell reference, formula bar, scroll bars, sheet tabs, worksheet area, gridlines, status bar, column, column identifiers, row, row identifiers, cell pointer and AutoFill Handle (or Fill Handle). Also the "automatic features" in Excel (learn to identify them): AutoSum, AutoFill, AutoComplete, AutoCorrect and AutoCalculate. When do you see number symbols (###) in your cells? What are labels? What are values? What are formulas? Which sign or symbol must be entered first when entering a formula in Excel? How do you change the column width in Excel? How do you change the row height? How do you change the alignment of titles or text in cells? How do you "wrap" text in cells? How do you add borders to your table? What is a chart?

A chart is a visual representation of worksheet data. A chart can enhance and simplify the understanding of numerical data in a worksheet because the relationship between data is illustrated. You can check your notes and Chapter 5 in the Microsoft Office 2010 textbook to answer some of these questions. Also check the Chapter Summary.


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