Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


It's hard to believe we are starting our Fourth Quarter already! I'm hoping that by now you have completed all your Keyboarding Skill Builder Lessons (both as "Accuracy" and as "Speed") as well as all your Numeric Keypad Lessons (including the Keypad Timed Writings).

This quarter we will learn how to properly format documents in Microsoft Word. We will learn how to use the Reveal Formatting Task Pane, and about Margins, Indentation (Indents and Indent Markers), Line Spacing, Pagination, Tabs (Tab Stops and Tab Leaders), Headers and Footers, Footnotes, Endnotes and Clip Art. We will cover Chapter 5 in the Microsoft Word Textbook.

After typing some notes on how to format documents, we will go to page 129 in the textbook and start reading about the Reveal Formatting Task Pane. I want you to carefully read pages 129 to 131 (before the Training Exercise). You will first create a new document with the information you see on page 129 (using the Reveal Formatting Task Pane). Mrs. Feld will tell you what to do and will give you a handout. When you complete this exercise you will continue on page 131 and start the Practice Exercise ("Training").

You can find this Training Document in the Server, in Keyboarding 10 under Format Docs. PLEASE DO NOT OPEN THE EXERCISE DIRECTLY, but drag it on your desktop first, before opening it! Then, follow the textbook instructions carefully. First following the instructions of Part 1 of 7, then reading page 133 (Headers and Footers) - you can add some of this information in your Formatting Documents notes. Then, continuing on page 134, Part 2 of 7... and moving on. Read page 135 on Tabs and Tab Stops. Before you move on to Part 3 of 7, you will complete an exercise Mrs. Feld will give you (to practice how to insert Tabs in a table with columns). After this you will move on to page 136 and continue with Part 3 of 7.

All the steps mentioned must be followed carefully until you complete the exercise (Part 7 of 7). Once completed, you must save it in the Server under Format Docs (with your name on it, i.e. "FeldK-Training").

You may want to review the Chapter Summary (pgs. 152 and 153), the Vocabulary (on page 154) and your notes to study for the Test on April 19 (Tuesday). The test will only cover the material covered up to that date. You can add some of the textbook information on your notes. Mrs. Feld will also give you a few other exercises on Formatting Documents. We will also learn how to create Business Letters this quarter, and if time permits continue with the "Numeric Keyboarding Lessons."


1. What are margins? What are three ways of changing margins in Microsoft Word? What are the default margins in Word?
2. What is pagination? How is pagination changed? Mention two ways to insert a page break. Can you delete a page break? How?
3. What is a Header? What is a Footer? How can you add a Header and Footer?
4. What are indents? Name four types of indent markers. What is a normal indent? Hanging indent? First line indent?
5. What is line spacing. What are three ways to change the line spacing in a document (e.g. to double-space your text)?
6. What are tabs? What are tabs used for? What are the default tabs in Microsoft Word? What’s the first thing you should do when you need to work with tabs?
7. Which are the different types of tab stops? Mention the basic four tab stops.
8. How can you set tabs more precisely? Where do you go? How do you change the tabs for an entire document?
9. Which is the most used tab (most popular)? How do you remove tab stops from your ruler? How do you set a tab stop?
10. What are tab leaders? How do you create them?
11. What are first line indents? What are hanging indents? What are the first line indent and the hanging indent markers?
12. Mention two ways to indent a paragraph in Microsoft Word?
13. When do you move the left indent square?
14. How do you create a hanging indent? Mention two ways.
15. What are footnotes used for? How can you create a footnote in your Word document?
16. What are endnotes?
17. How can you insert clip art in a document?
18. How do you open the "Reveal Formatting" Task Pane and when do you use it?


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