Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More on "Formatting Documents"...

On April 25th you will work on the Exercise "U.S. PRESIDENTS." You will find the word document in Keyboarding M under Word Data Files. Please do not open the document, just drag it onto your desktop. Follow the instructions carefully. You will add the following information: On Number 43. George W. Bush add 2009 (2001-2009 under Years in Office). Then, you will add 44. (under Number) and Barack H. Obama (under President) and 2009- (under Years in Office).

Please read the top of page 151 "Creating an HTML File" and copy that information in your notes ("Formatting Documents"). You need to save the U.S. PRESIDENTS document as a Web page (Web format) and preview the document in a Web browser. Save the Web page in the Server in your "Formatting Docs" Folder. DO NOT PRINT IT.

When you complete this exercise you may continue with your Keyboarding Skill Builder Lessons or start Exercise "Hawaiian Islands." Follow the instructions carefully. Save the exercise in the Server as Hawaiian Islands. TIP (to save time): You created a similar exercise when you learned to create Tables in Word (Table Exercise No.1). If you don't want to type this whole exercise, find the exercise and save it as "Hawaiian Islands," then do the following: Highlight your table > then Go to Table > Convert > Table to Text. After this you can change the tabs to the ones mentioned in page 162. Follow the instructions carefully.

After Hawaiian Islands you will move on to Exercise "Science Review." Please read the instructions carefully as well. Notice that the names newton and pascal begin with lowercase letters. This is fine when we are referring to Units of Measurement (in Science) - they should always begin with lowercase letters except where any word would be capitalized, such as at the beginning of a sentence or in capitalized material such as a title. So I don't want to see these names beginning with capital letters. Also notice that the formulas for water and potassium sulfate have "Os" and not zeros ("0s"). When completed please print it and hand it in.

By the end of the week these three exercises must be in the Server. In May we will learn the basics about "Business Letters;" the three main styles, and the different parts and rules we must follow when creating business letters. Hopefully by the end of May you will have completed all your Keyboarding Skill Builder Lessons (both as Accuracy and Speed). If time permits you will work on the Numeric Keypad Lessons after the Skill Builder Lessons. Time is running out.... I wish you all the best during this quarter. Your efforts will pay off if you persevere.

The exercises you must have in the Server for me to grade are: Katrina (Katrina Sewing Supplies), Kennel Log, Training, Welcome (or Marrelli's Gym - Quiz), Vitamins, Menu (New England Pizza), Hawaiian Islands, Science Review and U.S. Presidents (9 in total).

Make sure your notes are in order. You must answer the questions on "Formatting Documents" found below. Also know what is "Subscript" and "Superscript" and where do you go to subscript or superscript a number. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask Mrs. Feld.


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