Feld's Keyboarding & Computer Applications Classes

Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Third Quarter - EXCEL

This quarter we will concentrate on EXCEL, the spreadsheet application. We will create several exercises and learn some new terms. You must save a copy of the document "Introduction to Excel - Creating a Worksheet" in your Documents Folder under Excel (create a folder with this name where you can put your notes, this document and your Excel exercises). You had a quiz on February 5th and you will have a Test at the end of the month (see below). We will also continue with the Keyboarding Skill Builder Lessons and do some timings. Every Friday you will do a Timed Writing, that you will print for Mrs. Feld (2 minute and 3 minute).

You must know how to create simple formulas in Excel: sum, average, subtraction and division.

Vocabulary: workbook, worksheet, active cell, cell, title bar, menu bar, standard toolbar, formatting toolbar, name box, formula bar, scroll bars, sheet tabs, worksheet area, status bar, column, column identifiers, row, row identifiers and the AutoFill Fill Handle. Also the "automatic features" in Excel: AutoSum, AutoFill, AutoComplete, AutoCorrect and AutoCalculate.

We will also learn how to create charts in Excel. You will first create several charts for exercises BSC No. 1 and BSC No. 2. You must become very familiar with creating column, bar and pie charts. You can also practice creating line charts and other. On February 9th we will also start reading Chapter 9 in the Microsoft Office 2003 textbook, page 301 and doing the exercises mentioned below.

Vocabulary: chart, chart wizard, pie chart, bar charts, chart title, legend, category labels, data series, data labels, series name, plot area, chart area, y-axis and x-axis.

A chart is a visual representation of worksheet data. A chart can enhance and simplify the understanding of numerical data in a worksheet because the relationship between data is illustrated (page 301).

You will create a pie chart like the one shown on page 301 in Sheet 1 and save it as Pie Charts. Rename the Sheet Tab as Chart 1. Read page 301 carefully. Then you will read page 302. Create the pie chart at the bottom of this page in Sheet 2 and rename as Chart 2. Practice entering your name, period no. and date in the Footer of your charts - to do this your charts must be selected (you should see the black handles around the chart area).

Pie charts are best for charting data that is a percentage of a whole. A pie chart can only include one data series (one series of data).

Move to page 303 and also read carefully. You must do the Practice Exercise "CONTINENTS." Start with part 1 of 2. You can create this chart in the third sheet tab, call it Chart 3. Follow the directions well and slowly; don't move too fast. You need to understand how to create charts really well! Learn how to print a chart on page 307 (you don't have to print your charts but learn how to do it). Then move on to part 2 of 2 on this page and complete the exercise (page 308). Once completed, you will copy these three charts and paste them in a Word Document (one page) with your Name, Period No. and Date on the Footer. Print and give to Mrs. Feld. Print preview your work before you print it and save your work (both Word Document and Excel Workbook "Pie Charts" in the Server, under your name in your Period Folder, under Public.

Once your pie charts are completed you will move on to page 310 "Creating Bar and Line Charts." Read pages 310 and 311 carefully! Create an Excel Workbook called Temperature and on Sheet 1 type the information on page 311. Format it like you see it on the textbook, with borders and color and continue with the Practice: "TEMPERATURE" - Part 1 of 2. Follow the instructions carefully until you complete it. You must have a Line Chart on a separate Sheet called Chart 1 (your Line Chart should look like the one on page 314). Continue reading pages 314 - 320. After this you will continue to read up to page 325.

[Attention: to create the column chart on page 315, you only select the information shown on page 314 (the months of February and March ONLY!) Also, read the instructions on page 316 carefully, so that you can learn how to add the cities on your X-Axis. Skip the bottom of page 317 and in a Word Document type the information on the top of page 318 "Travel Destination." Copy your Excel column chart and paste under the typed lines. Save! You must have all your Excel work including the Word Documents used in Chapter 9 in an Excel Folder in the Server.
When you complete your Column Chart with Average Temperatures, copy this chart and paste another one underneath - the same chart. You will change this second chart following the instructions on how to modify a chart, page 318, and convert it into a 3-D Column Chart, like the one on page 319. Change the color of the columns. Save and continue with Part 2 of 2.]

Follow the instructions on pages 320 and 321 carefully! Learn to use the Format Painter button. Add the third Data Series (Los Angeles) in both Column Charts. Once you complete up to page 324, and have the two Column Charts I asked you to create, print only the 3-D Chart with your Name, Period No. and Date in the Footer. Hand-in to Mrs. Feld.


Check the Vocabulary on page 326 (you don't have to memorize this information for the test, but you must be able to recognize these items in your charts and tables). Mrs. Feld will let you know which other exercises you must complete later.

Test: you will have a test on February 25th. (Study your Excel notes, last Excel Quiz, the "Introduction to Excel - Creating a Worksheet document, and the vocabulary included in this blog). You will also have an Excel exercise and will have to create some charts.


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